I frequently perform CONFIDENTIAL well evaluations to advise private gas well owners on the possible outcomes of the well licensing process. I can also evaluate the condition and possible production capability of your well.
I can advise on changes that may be required for your well to meet the current standards or if it is likely your well will be ordered plugged by the government.
If your well has been ordered plugged, or you want the well plugged as it is no longer in use, I can take care of all of your plugging needs and will do so using the most cost effective means possible.
As a Professional Geoscientist and ministry-recognized Examiner, I am considered by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry Petroleum Operations to be a Qualified Person to perform well evaluations for private gas wells. As a certified Class I Examiner, I can certify the placement of plugs as required by the Provincial Operating Standards when plugging a well.
It is very unfortunate that the Private Gas well Incentive Program ended on March 31, 2017 and there are no plans to renew the program.
To find out if you are eligible for grants under the Ontario Private Gas Well Incentive Program your well must be evaluated by a Qualified Person.
(Association of Professional Geoscientists of Ontario (APGO), P.Geo., License #1656)
(MNRF Class I, II & IV Examiner, Examiner # E104 12)