I have been the wellsite geologist for many of the wells drilled in Ontario over the last decade, mainly drilling carbonates and clastics in the Ontario portions of the Michigan and Appalachian basins, including offshore Lake Erie. I have worked in NW Alberta drilling horizontally in the Montney Formation. I use Wellsight Systems striplog software and have experience using SES geosteering software.
Wellsite geological services include:
- Cuttings sample preparation, description, logging, interpretation
- Mudlogging and gas detection supervision
- Special geological operations supervision (DST, Coring, Wireline)
- Directional drilling and MWD supervision
- Client liaison and reporting
I have performed the duties of wellsite supervisor, wellsite geologist and Examiner for deep (to Precambrian basement at 1km) and shallow petroleum exploration wells and plugging and abandonment of wells drilled in Ontario. My duties have included preparing drilling programs and well licence applications, supervising drilling and plugging operations, ordering all materials (pipe, wellheads, cement, etc.) and coordinating all the services needed for drilling and plugging operations, fulfilling all Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry Petroleum Operations reporting and Examiner requirements, and ensuring that we stay as close to target on budgets.